Tuesday 13 August 2024

The Labour pressure cooker


In 2020 there was widespread rioting, civil disorder, vandalism and looting in response to the death of George Floyd at the hands of the police. This spread to Britain where large numbers of people broke the Covid regulations in place at the time forbidding crowds to gather.

The cause of the disorder in the USA was not merely that a police officer killed Floyd, but the perception that large numbers of black people had similarly been killed by the police and that nothing was being done to prevent it. So too many black people feel a long-standing grievance going back some centuries that they are not treated equally but rather are the victims of the same racism that brought their ancestors to North America as slaves. These and other reasons can be given as the causes of the disorder.

In Britain there is not the same degree of police violence against anyone as there is in USA. Still many black people sympathised with the Black Lives Matter demonstrators and many on the Left in particular sympathised also and were keen to show their support for the demonstrators even if some of those demonstrators were involved in violent disorder. Keir Starmer was one of them.

Since October 7th last year when Hamas murdered 1200 Israelis and kidnapped hundreds of others there have been large numbers of demonstrations against Israel with expressions of sympathy for the Palestinian cause. At times these demonstrators have expressed themselves violently by means of the signs that they carry and the words that they have shouted.

Why have so many people in Britain demonstrated about a war that does not involve the UK and over which the UK has little if any influence? There is on the Left a general sympathy with the Palestinian cause. It is also obviously the case that many British Muslims in particular feel deeply that it was unjust for Jews to migrate to the Middle East and take over land that had previously been owned by Muslims. I think they view it as a religious goal that Palestine ought to be once more controlled by Muslims. I can think of no other reason why they are interested so much in this conflict rather than any other.

So, I am able to explain without passing any particular judgement over both the demonstrations that followed the death of George Floyd and those that followed the latest war between Israel and the Palestinians. It ought to be possible for me to do this about any contemporary disorder without being accused of sympathising with the disorder or justifying violence.

The recent violent disorder in the UK followed the murder of three girls. But the causes go back further, and I think they are connected with the difference in response from the authorities to the disorder.

The response of politicians, the media and the police to the disorder following the death of George Floyd and the Pro Gaza demonstrations has been quite different to the recent rioting in response to the murder of the three little girls. What’s more I strongly suspect that if a white person for far-right reasons had murdered three little black girls and black people had created widespread disorder and rioting the response would have been quite different too.

Black people can demonstrate about George Floyd and Keir Starmer will take the knee in sympathy as will footballers for some time afterwards. Gaza supporters can say dreadful things about Jews and argue for the eradication of Israel from the river to the sea and nothing much will happen to them. But compare and contrast what happened in response to the more recent disorder.

I don’t think anyone should be demonstrating. The Black Lives Matter demonstrations didn’t help anyone either in USA or here. The Pro Gaza demonstrations did not save one life in Gaza. The recent violent disorder by white people has merely made life worse in the places that it occurred.

We live in a democracy. We must decide matters by electing politicians rather than demonstrating.

But just as I can justifiably seek to explain the Black Lives Matter demonstrations and the Gaza demonstrations so I can legitimately seek to explain why some poor white people have been rioting. This does not mean that I either think they were right to riot or that they have been harshly treated.

I believe that the police ought to catch and the courts ought to punish criminality so as to deter others. I don’t particularly care if some poor unfortunate has a sob story. If you don’t want to go to jail don’t engage in violent disorder.

But there is a widespread feeling that there is one rule for one sort of offender and another rule for another. The media, the police and the courts will look the other way when the Left sympathises with the cause of Black Lives Matter or Gaza and will react quite differently if the case involves white people.

This has been going on for some time now and gradually it is fuelling discontent, and that discontent is giving way to fury.

The root cause is that the demographics of the UK has been changed radically without the consent of its population. No reasonable person can object to limited migration, but it has not been limited. Voters have repeatedly made clear that they support controlling our borders. This was one of the main reasons for the Brexit vote. But successive government over many decades have simply ignored what they knew voters wanted.

When governments ignore what voters vote for, what is the point of voting? If voters cannot change matters by means of the ballot box, then you are in a situation similar to having an absolute monarchy and under those circumstances the response can as with France and Russia become revolutionary. Disorder is what happens when democracy fails.

It isn’t just two-tier policing that is the problem. It’s two tier everything. Humza Yousaf can complain about white people having top jobs in Scotland, but if a white person made a similar complaint about black people, he would be a racist. British people are blamed for the existence of slavery even though the Royal Navy fought to eradicate it, but Arabs and Africans are not blamed even though they were involved in the slave trade too. We have to be colour blind about the casting of black actors where they were not in the original story, but we cannot have white actors playing black characters.

There is a double standard about everything.

Gradually we find that the worst consequence of mass immigration since 1945 is that white people are the villains of British history and that our only task is to take the knee in shame and to atone for our multitude of sins. There is a certain sort of person who has nothing left to lose who rebels against this. That is what we have been watching lately. He will feel this still more now that his whole community has been cast as racist losers unworthy of the least degree of sympathy. Let’s kick him some more to see what happens.

The only hope is that we treat everyone in Britain equally. Treating different groups differently according to their race is explosive and if it continues it will explode again.

In the last few years we have had black people demonstrating, Muslims demonstrating and now the poor white underclass demonstrating. We need to look at why people get involved in disorder and do our best to address these grievances no matter what the cause. We also need to find ways to improve the standard of living for everyone and to erase all forms of injustice. We need to treat each other equally and without prejudice.

But above all we need to realise that if we keep the present levels of migration and if we continue to form divided societies which view each other as strangers rather than fellow countrymen, then the present situation will get worse.

I don’t think any population in history has been as radically transformed as ours in the years since 1945 without conflict. Please provide me with an historical example if you disagree.

I wish we could all live together in peace and harmony only noticing our shared humanity, but I fear that pressure is building, and all Labour is doing is putting a lid on it with the intention of continuing on in exactly the same way. Go on Labour keep holding down the lid of the pressure cooker while pumping in more migrant steam.

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