During the demonstrations against Israel in London a phrase
began to be used that I had never heard before, two tier policing. It became
obvious that the police were treating crowds calling for Jihad and the
destruction of Israel very differently to crowds demonstrating about anything
else or indeed individuals. But the phrase has a wider application. It’s not so
much that we have two tier policing. We have two tier everything.
Some of this two tier everything is rather ludicrous.
If white people wear Mexican hats they may be accused of cultural appropriation.
But what are the rules of who can wear what? Well, lots of forms of clothing
were invented in Europe. But no one says it’s cultural appropriation if a Mexican
wears a suit.
The rules are these. People from ethnic minorities can
wear what they want. They can style their hair how they want. They can take
part in European folk dancing. They can listen to the Beatles. They can play
Beethoven on the piano. They can speak any language they please with any
accent. No one will ever call it cultural appropriation.
It’s only if white people have dreadlocks or play rap
or reggae or wear native American headdresses or African robes or speak with a
Jamaican accent that we have cultural appropriation.
Two tier everything extends to television and films.
If you are putting on a performance where some of the characters are black or Asian
it is obligatory that they be performed by black or Asian actors. It makes it
difficult to stage the Mikado anymore which was originally designed to be
played by English singers because it is a satire on English society. It means
that Othello can no longer be played as it originally was by a white actor.
There is some sense in this. I generally prefer authenticity
in film and television. I would be quite happy if only black and Asian people
played black and Asian characters. Most old films with white people made up to
look Asian don’t really work.
But two tier everything means that it only works one
way. It has now become obligatory in any adaptation of a nineteenth century
novel to have black or Asian actors playing the parts of white characters. Frequently
in historical dramas we have black and Asian actors appearing anachronistically
either when we know that the historical figure was white or when it is highly
unlikely that there would have been black or Asian people present.
This extends even into historical research of dead
plague victims. There were tiny numbers of ethnic minorities in Britain even in
1939 a few thousand at most. How many were living in London in 1346? Yet we
have researchers desperate to find racism by examining skull sizes in order to accuse
Londoners of racism when hardly anyone at the time had even met a black person.
No one is doing research on skulls in Nigeria to show that white people were
the victims of racism. It would be considered ludicrous, not least because two
tier everything means black people cannot be racist.
This means that while we know that black people in
West Africa were involved in capturing slaves and selling them across the
Atlantic, no one ever asks their descendants for reparations, and no one ever
blames them for the sins of their fathers. Likewise, while we know that slavery
was a part of the Islamic world from the beginning no one ever asks for
reparations from Muslim countries.
When we talk about slavery every form of slavery that
ever existed including in European countries, China and Russia is ignored. The
only slavery that our two tier thinking pays any attention to is the Atlantic
slave trade. Here it is also ignored that the Royal Navy spent a fortune in
lives and money to eradicate the Atlantic slave trade and the United States
Army fought the bloodiest war in its history to do the same.
But how did we end up with two tier everything? The
reason is that in the United States until the 1960s the aim was to treat people
equally and without prejudice. Everyone deserved the same chance to succeed. No
one should be held back by racism or any other prejudice. Treat everyone like
an individual was the ideal not as a representative of a group. But this ideal
Gradually in the 1970s a new theory emerged that
viewed race through the idea of power. Certain groups were powerful, white people,
but sometimes also Asian people and Jewish people. There arose a hierarchy of
victimhood. It meant that if you were a victim, i.e., you were lacking in power
you could essentially say or do anything, and it would not be racist.
There is no evidence for critical race theory. No one
discovered it by means of experiment. No one proved it by means of reason and
logic. But gradually it has worked its way into the Western world as being
something that is beyond question.
It explains why a black woman can goad Nigel Farage. She
knows that she can say or do anything and nothing bad will happen. If he makes
the slightest slip of the tongue or even looks at her the wrong way he will be
cancelled. She can’t be racist because she is black. He is automatically racist
because he is white.
So, if a black or Asian person deliberately targets a
white woman and rapes her while calling her the most insulting things based on
her skin colour, he will have committed a crime, but it won’t be racially
Likewise, there is only white privilege because white
people are in the position of power, and this applies even if the black person
is wealthy and employs the white person as his cleaner. It even ludicrously applies
one assumes if you live in Poland in a small village where there are no black
But two tier everything means that there is no
equivalent of black privilege in an African country where there are only black
people. There is no Asian privilege in an Asian country where there are no
other ethnic groups.
This idea is dangerous. It puts people living in the
same society in opposition to each other. Instead of working together to eliminate
prejudice and racism we end up with one group continually looking to accuse the
other of the unforgivable sin of racism while being immune from that sin
This is the reason why Meghan Markle arrived in
Britain looking desperately for racism. She was a McCarthyite looking for Racism
under the beds. Of course, she found it, how could she not? But she only searched
so assiduously because she knew that she could not be accused of anything.
If you continually accuse one group of a crime that
another group is unable to commit, the first group will eventually rebel
against this way of thinking. If you forbid people saying what they are
thinking quite legitimately because it is racist, they will in time say it
anyway and disregard your accusation of racism. The danger is that you will end
up with worse racism than if you allowed people to speak freely and listened to
their concerns.
You end up with rioting.
It is not racist to be concerned about the demographic
makeup of the UK or how rapidly it is changing. It is not racist because every
country in the world would have the same concern.
It cannot be that it was wrong for Europeans to
colonise North America, but that it’s just fine if far larger numbers are
arriving in a much shorter time in Europe. But here too there is two tiers
thinking. While there are Native Americans, there are no Native Europeans. We
are not even allowed the concept.
Critical race theory I think explains the change in the
way that the Left has responded to the conflict in Israel. It treats Jewish
people like white American settlers and the Palestinians like the oppressed Native
Americans and black slaves. Whatever the Israelis do is always and automatically
wrong because the Jews have the power. Whatever the Palestinians do no matter
how heinous is always and automatically not antisemitism but a justified
response to oppression.
How else do you explain the contortions of certain
commentators desperate not to believe anything bad happened on October 7th?
Critical race theory abolishes antisemitism even
though the Jewish people are the most oppressed race in history. It justifies
and excuses the modern equivalent of Holocaust denial and allows people to
parade through the streets of London calling for the eradication of the Jews in
the Middle East with impunity.
If your theory leads to this, rethink it.
It is time we returned to the concept of equality of
opportunity and working together to lessen everyone’s prejudice and racism with
tolerance and forgiveness for the mistakes that people from every race make. It
is time we were allowed to speak freely about our concerns without worrying about
two tier policing and two tier everything else.
Instead, we have created a two tier Britain that cannot
live with itself and whose population cannot live with each other.
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