sometimes read Scottish nationalists arguing that it is somehow
illegitimate to support the Union, as the UK is an artificial construct
and Britain is not a nation. Sometimes they back up this argument with
discussion about the the history of the Act of Union of 1707 and what
was agreed between Scotland and England all those years ago. It is
almost as if they consider that Scotland is just the same as it was
prior to 1707 and just as much a nation as it would have been if the
Union had never happened.
debate is, of course, fascinating, but it can be incredibly difficult
to resolve arguments by appealing to history. This is not least because
very eminent historians can have such radically different views on the
same events. I’ve read historians who think that Scotland was subsumed
by the Union, while others emphasise how we retained our distinct
nationhood. No doubt, each side brings its present political views to
the investigation of the past and attributes to that past ideas that
were not even dreamed of then.
is however, possible, I believe, for unionists and nationalists to come
to some sort of consensus on this matter by reflecting that whatever
disagreement there may be between them is more a confusion about
certain words like “nation” and “country” that can be used in a variety
of senses.
Scotland a nation? Yes, of course. After all, we talk of the Six
Nations Rugby Championship in which Scotland takes part. Moreover, the
UK is commonly described as a multinational state, which implies that it
is made up of nations. This type of state is not particularly uncommon.
India is a multinational state made up of many ethnic groups who speak a
variety of languages and follow a variety of religions. Present day
Russia likewise has many different ethnic groups, religions and
languages and has many constituent Republics. Nearly every European
Country is formed from formerly independent countries. Some of these may
be referred to as nations. Often this depends on a person’s political
viewpoint. Someone who supports independence may describe Catalonia or
Flanders as a nation. Someone else may not. There is nothing therefore
incorrect or unusual about describing Scotland as a nation. The words
may be different in various languages and the useage somewhat varied,
but in principle we’re dealing with the same idea. I can ask someone in
Germany what “Land” he is from and it would be correct for him to answer
Saxony. I can ask someone in the United States what State he is from
and it would be correct to for him to answer Texas. If such a person
were a nationalist, or if the useage of his language allowed it, he
might describe where he comes from as his nation. In all events however,
the reality would be the same. A constituent part of a multinational
state can be described as a nation, or a country or a state. It amounts
to the same thing. However, the word “nation” when it is used in this
way is crucially used in a different sense from when it is used as part
of the the phrase “nation-state.”
asked which country I’m from I can answer Scotland or Britain or the
UK. Some people prefer to describe themselves as Scottish and not
British. This is perfectly legitimate. Here language is determined by
identity and the aspiration for Scotland to be independent. No one has
to feel British. It should however, be admitted by Scottish independence
supporters that many Scots do feel British and that this is likewise
legitimate. But if I am asked my nationality on an official form, it is
likely that in certain circumstances I will have less leeway. Often it
is necessary to reply that I am British. This is because such forms are
commonly not asking about my sense of identity but about the
nation-state where I am a citizen. If, for example, I filled out a
Russian visa form and put that I was Scottish, there would be every
chance that the form would be rejected. The conclusion that can be drawn
from this is that the word “nation” can be used fairly loosely and in a
variety of senses, but the word “nation-state” cannot.
nation-states can be described as more or less artificial constructs.
If this means anything, it means that they were constructed from
formerly independent constituent parts and that this happened owing to
the accidents of history and for a variety of complex reasons. In this
sense, the United States is an artificial construct, as is Spain, as is
the Netherlands. The history of most nation-states is the history of
often arbitrary decisions, of wars won that might have been lost, of
conquest and of injustice. All of these things can be described as
artificial and they all were necessary to make the present day
nation-state. Even Scotland was once a collection of warring kingdoms
called unfamiliar names like Fortriu and Dál Riata, speaking a variety
of languages and with various cultures and identities. Prior to this, no
doubt, we were a collection of warring tribes. If I had a mind to, I
could probably go back to a time when Aberdeenshire was independent,
ruled by some feudal lord. I could, if I chose, describe this place as
my nation. When we delve into history looking for our nation, there is
no particular reason to pick the present day boundaries of Scotland. All
is arbitrary. All an artificial construct. Scotland is just as much a
union as the UK. It’s just that this union occurred some hundreds of
years earlier. There’s no rational reason why that should be decisive in
determining our present day nation-state.
question of whether Scotland is a nation can then be answered. Scotland
in one sense is a nation and in another it is not. Scotland can be
described as a nation in the same sense that Bavaria is described as a
“Land”, Texas a “State” or Catalonia a “Nacionalidad” (nationality).
This is simply a matter of language usage. Some constituent parts of
nation-states are described as nations, others described as countries,
others as republics, others still as regions. The reality is the same.
Some of these places, like Catalonia or Flanders have significant
numbers of people who seek independence, others do not. But there is
nothing intrinsic in such places being constituent parts of
nation-states, which makes independence either inevitable or desirable.
Otherwise, it would follow that every nation-state, which was formed
from formerly independent countries should break-up into those parts.
sense in which Scotland is not a nation is the sense in which we are
not a nation-state. It is this, which independence supporters want us to
become, for the defining characteristic of a nation-state is that it is
independent. Something clearly cannot become what it already is.
Therefore, it is uncontroversial and independence supporters must agree
that Scotland is not a nation in the sense of being a nation-state. This
usage of the word “nation” as short for “nation-state” is the most
common usage the world over and what most people mean when they talk of
their nation. There are exceptions to this usage when a place or a
people can be described as a nation even though they lack a
nation-state. In Canada for instance there are “First Nations.” Such
“nations” even sometimes have a seat at the United Nations. But the vast
majority of UN nations are nation-states.
Britain a nation? In the most common usage of the word “nation” clearly
it is, for Britain is a nation-state. To attempt to deny that Britain
is a nation is therefore to simply misunderstand the the most ordinary
usage of the word “nation.” Is Britain a nation in the looser sense that
Scotland is a nation? This is more a question of identity. Is there
such a thing as a British identity? Clearly there is. Lots of Scots feel
it. Some do not. Some independence supporters don’t like the idea of a
British identity. But to deny it exists is like trying to deny that
Germans have an identity or that Spaniards do. Even if some Bavarians or
Catalans want independence and deny their German or Spanish identity,
it does not follow that everyone must do the same.
Scotland were to become a nation-state it would be the goal of the
Scottish Government and people to preserve this nation-state. It is in
the natural order of things for a nation-state to seek to defend its
borders and maintain its territorial integrity. In the event of
independence therefore, it would be uncontroversial for Scots to seek to
prevent the breakup of this nation-state called Scotland. But by the
same token it is natural for British people to seek to prevent the
breakup of our nation-state called the United Kingdom. In this we are no
different from a German or an Italian striving to maintain the
territorial integrity of his nation-state. It is this which Scottish
nationalists frequently fail to understand and why there is commonly so
little understanding between the opponents in the independence debate.
Independence supporters frequently conflate the meanings of the word
“nation.” The justification for independence is frequently founded on
the implied assumption that Scotland already has or has somehow retained
the properties of a nation-state. But this is not only circular, it is
also self-defeating. For if Scotland already is a sovereign
nation-state, there is no need to seek independence. It’s a simple
matter of logic that you cannot become what you already are.