Labour would like to create a society where everyone
is equal and where poverty has been eradicated. Just as socialism is its long-term
goal so too, I think is a world without borders where there are no such things
as countries, no such concepts as nationality and where everyone regardless of
race and religion can move where they please.
This is why the Left reacted with such fury to the UK
voting for Brexit. If the EU can create a Europe without borders where everyone
can move freely and where the distinctions between European countries are lessened
and eventually erased, then in time it may be possible to replicate that model
But the creation of socialism requires the state to force
people to share their wealth with strangers and requires the state to re-educate
people so that they are no longer motivated by their own profit and care just
as much for strangers as they do for their own families.
So too it is quite clearly human nature for people to
wish to form countries otherwise the world would not be full of countries. We
wish to create borders just as we wish to create fences that separate my
property from yours. It will take force to make us change our minds on this
issue or else perhaps it can be done in the same way that the EU progresses.
Mission creep.
The EU clearly presented its goal from the beginning.
It wishes to create a federal European state. But it was possible for Britain
to join thinking that the EC was merely a common market and would not change the
nature of the UK as a sovereign nation state.
I came to the conclusion in 2016 that if you didn’t want
the UK to be a member of a federal EU state you had to vote to leave, but lots
of Remainers thought it was possible to have both the benefits of EU membership
and to retain what we have always had. Even now citizens of member states don’t
quite grasp the destination. It all happened so gradually. It’s just that one
day they find that what they thought was their country was really subordinate
to people they didn’t vote for in Brussels and now it’s too late to leave.
It will then matter very little indeed if you play
international football because there will be no more European nations.
So too with erasing borders worldwide. If you had told
people in 1945 that Britain could not defend its borders against people
arriving in rubber dinghies, they would have laughed. After all we had just
defended our borders against the Luftwaffe.
If you had told them that one day more than 20% of the
UK population was from abroad with much more than that in London and that
sometimes 700,000 migrants would arrive in the UK from overseas in just one year,
they would have been furious. What were we fighting for then?
But it all happened gradually. It didn’t matter
whether you voted Conservative or Labour it happened just the same.
The demographics of the UK have been changed more
radically in the past 70 years than in the past thousand years, but it began
slowly only now to accelerate. It is a fait accompli. You wake up one day to
find your town changed beyond recognition. First, it’s London and Birmingham,
but then it’s small towns in out of the way places. Then it’s everywhere.
Migration is part of human nature. We are all
descended from migrants of one sort or another. The Celts migrated here and the
people who built Stone Henge were lost to history. The Celts too had to deal
with migrating Romans, Angles, Saxons and Normans. We are the result.
We cannot therefore blame people for wanting a better
life. That is what our ancestors wanted too. But you likewise cannot blame the
Celts for resting the arrival of the Romans, or for the Anglo-Saxons resisting
the arrival of the Normans.
The Left I think would like a world where the issues
of race, religion and nationality had ceased to divide humanity.
Imagine there's no
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too.
If populations around the world become so mixed and if
it is possible to live wherever you want without borders, then the goal will
have been achieved. If there is nothing to distinguish between one population
and another then the concept of nationality becomes redundant, not merely
between states within the EU but between states everywhere.
This ideal is on its way to being achieved. In twenty
or thirty years the demographics will have changed so that 40% are the
descendants of relatively recent migrants in another ten or twenty years it
will be 60% and at that point the concepts of nationality and identity that we
have had for many centuries will become meaningless.
To get where we are now it has been necessary to
educate people that they are wrong to complain and that if they do nasty words will
be said about them. If anyone predicts that this experiment with mass migration
might not end well, they are condemned and called nasty words too. But where in
history has it worked well?
It didn’t work out well for the Native Americans when
Europeans arrived in North America, and these were at far lower levels than
recent migration to Europe. The Native American died of disease, were driven
from their homes, fought wars and lost and ended up on reservations.
It didn’t work out well for the Aboriginals in
Australia. The lifestyle they had led for thousands of years ceased, many were murdered,
and their descendants live disadvantaged lives frequently below the level of those
who descend from migrants.
I don’t blame the migrants who went to either North
America or Australia anymore than I blame the Celts, the Angles the Saxons or
the Normans. But it’s hard to find a single example from history where migration
was beneficial to those who were there already. There is nothing left of the
Picts who ruled Caledonia for centuries apart from some earthworks and a few
carvings in stone.
Every single instance of mass migration in history has
been met with conflict for this reason. This is Labour’s problem and we have
seen how it will solve the problem.
In order to achieve its goal of a world without borders
with socialism Labour will have to use a lot of force indeed, because we will
not choose it. No one ever has.
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