A few years ago my Aunt went into hospital with an infection.
She came out dead.
The day before she died she was apparently quite
well. She was sitting up in bed doing the crossword. Everyone expected her to
be out in a few days. My guess is if we had got her out when she was doing the
crossword she might well have survived.
The next day we were told that the infection had got
worse. The doctors had debated whether to put my aunt into intensive care, but
had decided that it was in her best interests to be put on something called the
Liverpool Care Pathway. This is a treatment used for terminally ill patients.
Once you are on it, there is no getting off. It was already too late to change
the decision when we were told about it.
My initial reaction was to call the Police and say
that my Aunt had been murdered in the hospital, but I was persuaded that this
would be pointless. The doctors would back each other up. The police would
believe what the doctors told them. There would be a fuss, but nothing would
We buried her. She was one of the first women to be
awarded a degree from Oxford. She was much loved and might have lived for
another twenty years.
I’m therefore not surprised to find that in Gosport
recently there has been a scandal about unnecessary deaths in a hospital. I
suspect strongly such scandals are waiting to be discovered up and down the
country. But most will stay hidden.
It is very difficult to know the truth. There will
be conflicting testimony. Grieving relatives may well be wrong about their
assessment. I may be wrong in thinking they should have done all they could to
keep my aunt alive rather than in effect putting her down. Perhaps her infection
really had become hopeless. No doubt if there had ever been a court case
medical experts using long words none of the rest of us could understand would
have shown that this was so.
But still I think there is a deep rooted problem.
Our whole attitude to life and death has become distorted.
If a child is born with a major disability, huge
efforts are made to keep it alive even when medical knowledge tells us that the
situation is hopeless. These cases frequently make the news. Desperate parents
try to raise money for revolutionary treatments. There are plans to take the
child to the United States or elsewhere. There is enormous sympathy from the
There is intensive care for the almost hopeless case
of the disabled infant, but older people are routinely put out of their misery
when if only they could be made well they might live for years. Why do we not value the lives of everyone
equally? But then older people are frequently neglected and considered to be an
inconvenience. Some of us treat our own relations in this way. It becomes less
of a surprise then that a doctor might view an older stranger as something in
the way when he might well view his own elderly mother as little more than an
inheritance waiting to happen.
If a terminally ill person is in great pain, there
is no problem morally in using sufficient medicine to dull this pain even if it
has a side effect of killing the patient. If the intention is merely to ease
the pain and this is the only way to do so, then it matters little if the
person dies today or next week. Indeed it would be morally grotesque if a
person was left in agony because a doctor refused to prescribe sufficient
medicine to ease that pain.
The danger of high profile scandals like the one in
Gosport is that doctors will end up being reluctant to prescribe pain killers
in sufficient strength out of fear that they will be accused of killing patients.
But people like my aunt were not in great pain.
No-one had told them that they were terminally ill. They just wanted routine
treatment and came out of hospital dead.
I think this happens for a number of reasons. We
have lost the sense that life is something of ultimate value. Everything else
is valuable only because I have life. All the gold in the world is no use to me
at all without a life to enjoy it.
But we treat life both at the beginning and at the
end as something disposable. Babies in the womb are either the most valuable
thing in the world, or else if they are unwanted the least valuable. More care
is given to laboratory rats than is given to some 24 week old babies who might
well be able to live independently outside the womb and certainly have more
brain capacity than a rat. Yet there are rules about how to treat laboratory
rats, while unwanted babies can be discarded with the rest of the medical
We have lost the traditional sense that suicide is
morally wrong. No-one anymore condemns the person who kills himself. It is
simply a choice and everyone is free to make it. It is this above all that has
made going to a Swiss clinic to kill yourself something that is considered to
be morally neutral or even praiseworthy.
People with various medical conditions have gone to
court to gain the right to die. They are scared that at some point they won’t
physically be able to kill themselves and so want a doctor to be able to do it
for them. These people are usually viewed with sympathy.
It’s a very short step from this to a doctor deciding
independently of the patient that this person’s case is really hopeless. A
great deal of time and effort will be saved and a great deal of suffering
avoided if they could only die today. It is obviously in the patient’s interest
to die peacefully and without pain. Why shouldn’t I just give them a large
injection of morphine or put them on the pathway that inevitably leads to
This is what happens when you cease to think that
life is the most precious of gifts and that it must be protected at all costs.
A baby can be dumped because it is inconvenient and unwanted. When life becomes
tiresome or unpleasant you can just check out. No-one will say you are wrong.
Well this all just makes euthanasia whether voluntary or involuntary so much
We have a strange delusion about healthcare in
Britain. Every European I have ever met including those from Eastern Europe is
absolutely horrified by the standard of care in the NHS. Many fly home for
treatment, refusing to risk it here. We all accept that nationalised industries
like British Leyland were more or less a disaster, but perversely think that
nationalised healthcare will be a success. It won’t be. It is a bottomless,
inefficient pit, which grotesquely overpays doctors and disgracefully underpays
nurses. The NHS desperately needs reform so as to resemble the sort of healthcare
routinely found in countries like France, Germany or Switzerland, but there won’t
be any reform so long as voters continue with their delusion. Happy Birthday NHS.
To become a doctor you don’t need a first class
mind. You just need to be good at learning huge numbers of facts. It’s like
doing 100 “O” levels rather than one Ph.D. No original thought is required to
become a wonderful G.P. In fact original thought would be a disaster. Let’s try
this treatment I just made up. Lots of school children of moderate academic
ability could be excellent doctors. What matters is a caring manner and common
sense rather than the ability to think creatively and for yourself. It would be better if we
expanded training of doctors so that there were enough and more. But instead the BMA
prefers to run a sort of closed shop that keeps wages high.
Doctors are used to being treated like little gods.
They can keep us waiting, but the patient dare not be late. They dispense
wisdom from on high. The British public tugs the forelock to the most wonderful
health service in the world and the little gods decide who is to live and who
is to die.
Listen to the doctor. Do what he tells you your
whole life and if you’re very, very good you might live to be a hundred. But
don’t go near the hospital after seventy or you may just wake up dead.