There is a reason I’ve been writing so much since
the EU referendum and with perhaps a higher intensity than before. I returned
from holiday in early July only to find one of my friends and colleagues in
absolute bits. I remember that whole period of uncertainty leading up to the EU
referendum as a time of stress. I disliked the campaign that both sides were running.
Remain ran Project Fear Two, which is why they lost and deserved to lose. But I
thought some of the claims made by Leave were clearly ludicrous. I don’t expect
the NHS to get much more money because we are leaving the EU. But then I don’t
think the NHS should get more money. The problem with health in the UK is not
lack of money. If you give the NHS more money it will go on inflated salaries
for doctors, who now think they should be paid as if they were merchant
bankers. It will go on administration and it will go on waste. We have a health
service with a methodology from the 1940s and an ideology that has been discredited
the world over. Is it really a surprise that it doesn’t work? Socialism doesn’t
work and nor does socialised medicine.
I came out on the Leave side of the argument. This
has partly to do with my contrariness. I have always been a Tory because in
part it was so much more fun being a Tory in the 1980s when absolutely everyone
I met just loathed Margaret Thatcher. Well this time around the whole
establishment plus nearly all the academics, plus nearly all the students
thought that voting to leave the EU was not only thick, but vulgar. This is
especially the case in Scotland. So naturally I looked at the arguments and
found myself coming down more and more in favour of Leave. Perhaps I will be
proved wrong. No-one can predict the future. But I have not been proved wrong
yet. My side keeps winning the referendums. Long may this continue.
But have you noticed something. Britain is healing
from the wound that was inflicted by the EU referendum. Most people have moved
on. There is some debate about what sort of Brexit we should go for. But for
the most part disappointed Remainers have come to terms with losing and are
working with Leavers to help create a better Britain. Compare and contrast with
My friend had along with the rest of us suffered a
great deal of stress due to the Scottish independence referendum in 2014. In
the course of the next couple of years she became ever more worried about the
downturn in Aberdeen. Her husband works in the oil industry. On top of this she
was concerned about the economic consequences if the UK left the EU. What would
happen to her investments? What would happen to house prices? The result of the
EU referendum was a shock. I certainly didn’t expect Leave to win. I don’t
think anyone much expected that. The polls got it wrong, the betting got it
wrong, the markets got it wrong. But you know what she was fine. She was
absolutely fine until the Scottish nationalists started making threats.
Suddenly Nicola Sturgeon was continually on
television adding to the uncertainty. She was stirring up trouble, plotting
away. It was too much. All of the memories of the independence referendum came
back and my friend found it tough to take. She had something of a nervous
collapse and had to have a couple of weeks off work. It wasn’t Brexit that
caused this, it was Scottish nationalism.
I was reasonably relaxed about the result of the EU
referendum. Whatever happened I would not lose my country. But if the SNP ever
won an independence referendum I would be homeless. The UK is my home and the
UK would cease to exist if Scotland became independent.
It is for this reason that I write as I do. This is
personal. I have seen the damage that Scottish nationalism does to Scottish
lives. The SNP have kept us all in a state of permanent tension. Who can really
relax when our country is continually threatened with destruction? Some deal
with this stress by writing and by fighting back against the threat. Others
find they don’t have this outlet and crack.
I don’t think there is quite this sense of trauma
among the Scottish nationalists, though who can tell. I am fortunate in that I don't actually know any Scottish nationalists. Until around twenty years
ago, almost no-one in Scotland expected that there would ever be an independent
Scotland. The only party that supported this was tiny and hardly got any votes.
It is hardly then traumatic to remain in the country you were born in and to
retain the citizenship you’ve always had.
I accept that there was great disappointment on the
part of the Yes side. They came closer than they thought they would and for a
moment believed that they had a chance, but when they lost they returned to the
world they had always known.
But look what the campaign did. This is why it has
been so damaging for both sides. Many Scottish nationalists have ceased to have
any feeling whatsoever for the UK. Many of them are openly hostile to Britain
and want nothing whatsoever to do with being British. They see themselves now
as exclusively Scottish. It is for this reason that they get so worked up about
flags on packets of strawberries. But we do continue to live in the UK. We are
British citizens whether we like it or not. To not feel something that you are
is strange. It is like saying I am cold, but I don’t feel it. I don’t think
this is so much trauma as dissociation from reality. A German person who hates
Germany because he feels exclusively Bavarian is rare indeed. A Catalan who
hates Spain is more common. But the truth is that the Bavarian is a German and
the Catalan is Spanish. Look at your passport if you are in doubt about this
matter. So there is an element of self-denial even hatred of self in the
response of Scottish nationalists. I don’t know how they feel about this.
Perhaps some of them do indeed find it traumatic. Then again they all maintain
how they found 2014 so joyful. So if it is a trauma it is a hidden and rather
repressed trauma. That might explain quite a lot.
From the Pro UK point of view things have turned out
to be rather different. When I began campaigning I emphasised that I was both
Scottish and British and that there was no contradiction in being both. I still
think this. I was born in Scotland (not that this matters), I went to school
here. I spoke the local dialect fluently. My favourite author has always been
Walter Scott. I would wear Tartan from time to time and in a vague way thought
that the Jacobite cause was just and that the Hanoverians were usurpers. What
this means is that I took the Tory side of history. I felt mild patriotism
about Scotland and still milder patriotism about Britain. I dislike flag
waving. I dislike flags.
But look at the result of the campaign. This is what
the SNP have destroyed. They have taken away our peace of mind. They have also
diminished our sense of Scottishness. I don’t know if this is how all Pro UK
Scots feel. I think some have been stronger than me and have fully retained
their sense of Scottishness. But for me it has diminished and become a
diminished thing. The SNP were successful. They won the battle over flags. Now
the Saltire is their flag, the Union Jack is mine. Whenever I see a Saltire I
think Scottish nationalist. If someone has one in their button hole or on their
Twitter profile I immediately assume that they are a Scottish nationalist.
I would never now show any Scottish symbol. They are
all lost to me. I would not wear a tartan skirt. I would not go to a ceilidh. I
would not go to a Burns supper. I have lost my flag and I have lost a part of
my identity. Of course I do not deny that I am Scottish. But I think of
Scotland now as the equivalent of Aberdeenshire. I likewise do not deny that I
am Aberdonian. But I don’t wear any symbols of Aberdeenshire. I fly no
Aberdeenshire flags or wear a Dons strip while walking up Union Street. I
rarely now speak Doric. I hardly know anyone who does. It is something from my
childhood that is gradually being forgotten. I remember that time when there
was no division in Scotland. When we were all just Scots and our identities had
not been politicised. The independence referendum changed everything. Before the
rise of Scottish nationalism I didn’t question Scotland’s being a country, but
I followed through the logic of the argument. If Scotland was indeed a country
in the normal sense of the word then it ought to be independent, so I was
forced to conclude that Scotland was only called a country. Thank you SNP. Not
only did you threaten the UK, you caused me to lose my sense of living in a
country called Scotland.
So I too in a way am in the position of denying myself and
denying what I am. Of course I’m happy to say that I am Scottish. After
all this is where I was born, this is where I am from, this is the language I
can speak and the accent that I have. But it is not something I anymore will ever
emphasise. I would put North Britain on my letters if I ever posted any letters anymore.
We have gone through too much in the last few years
in Scotland. Not everyone feels it at all. The Scottish nationalists think of these
years as a triumph of democracy and popular engagement with politics. The joy of
it that Scotland has not been so divided since the Covenanters. But the
Scottish nationalists are no closer to winning. In fact they may be further
away. What happens when this mass movement actually realises this fact. How do
you reconcile yourself to being British forever when you hate Britain?
The trauma on the part of the Pro UK person is I
think greater. We thought for a moment that we would lose our country. We were
at no point in the UK’s history closer to doing so than on that September night
in 2014. I would rather lose a war than lose my country. And then we had no
victory. All sorts of reasons can be given for this. Perhaps the upsurge in SNP
popularity was simply because people thought something was possible now that
previously they had thought to be impossible. The campaign for independence
created a desire for independence that had never been there before. This was
David Cameron's mistake. He should never have allowed the vote. But then we
should never have created the Scottish Parliament. We should never have made
concessions to Scottish nationalism by granting it ever more power. We are
where we are. Neither side is happy. But neither side can win. Whatever happens
Scotland is divided. Perhaps now we are divided for ever. I used to say that the only
solution to the problems of the Soviet Union is to leave. Perhaps the same can
be said for Scotland or perhaps we have already reached peak nationalism and
now it is already in decline. We shall see. But I think it has become a frozen conflict. No solution is possible, but no peace either. It begins to be pointless even to write about such things.
But the SNP should be made aware of the damage that they are doing. Neil Young once wrote “I’ve seen the needle and the damage done”. Well when I visited my friend who was struggling mentally because of what Nicola Sturgeon kept threatening I could say I’ve seen the SNP and the damage done. How many people in Scotland have been left traumatised by this never-ending struggle that we are doomed to fight continuously without a chance of reconciliation? How many of us have lost something precious “Gone, gone, the damage done.”
But the SNP should be made aware of the damage that they are doing. Neil Young once wrote “I’ve seen the needle and the damage done”. Well when I visited my friend who was struggling mentally because of what Nicola Sturgeon kept threatening I could say I’ve seen the SNP and the damage done. How many people in Scotland have been left traumatised by this never-ending struggle that we are doomed to fight continuously without a chance of reconciliation? How many of us have lost something precious “Gone, gone, the damage done.”