Thursday, 26 September 2024

Reviving the SNP corpse


Scottish nationalism was decisively defeated in July 2024 when only 30% of Scottish voters chose to support the SNP and it won nine seats. Alba won 11,000 votes. But there are those who wish to revive the corpse with a form a necromancy called setting the goal posts for a second referendum and turning Scotland into Northern Ireland.

The truth however is that Scotland has already had its second referendum. The SNP announced on numerous occasions that the General Election was a de facto referendum. The terms of victory were various. Sometimes the SNP had to win a majority of seats, at other times it just had to be the largest party, at others it had to win more than 50% of the vote. There is little doubt that if it had won any of these it would have demanded a referendum on independence. But it lost whatever variant of the de facto referendum it might have chosen. So, it is reasonable for the rest of us to point out that you have now lost two referendums so it is now the settled will of Scottish voters that Scotland remain part of the UK.

But now we are beginning to hear certain voices suggesting that the government set out what would need to happen in order for there to be some sort of legal right to a second referendum and that Scotland should be in a similar situation to Northern Ireland where the Belfast Agreement says that if the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland believes that a majority of Northern Irish voters wished to leave the UK and join Ireland they ought to have a referendum on this issue and if a similar referendum in Ireland were successful the merger should take place.

But Scotland is not like Northern Ireland. There is one reason and one reason only why there is a Belfast Agreement. The IRA engaged in a three-decade long campaign of terror with the goal of forcing Northern Ireland to leave the UK. The IRA knew that it could not win militarily so it settled for being able to achieve its goal by means of the ballot box rather than the Armalite.

The British government made a major concession and chose to reward terrorism because it hoped for lasting peace. Nowhere else in the world where there are territorial disputes between nation states is there such a mechanism to change sovereignty by means of referendums.

Hungary does not get to argue that Transylvania should be ceded by Romania on the basis of a referendum. Austria does not get to argue that it should get back South Tyrol from Italy by means of a vote. Mexico cannot obtain the states that it lost in the 1840s by hoping that Mexican Americans will one day be a sufficiently large group that they will chose to leave the USA.

There have been numerous border changes following both the First and Second World Wars, but only in the case of Ireland is there supposedly a justification for reunification. No one thinks that Germany has the right to reunite with Elsaß–Lothringen [Alsace–Lorraine] or to regain the lands lost to Poland.

In the whole of Europe, the only border that can be changed by means of a vote is that between Northern Ireland and Ireland.

I have always felt dubious about the Belfast Agreement, because it is a concession to terrorism and a reward for bombing. Ireland has no more legitimate a claim on British territory than Russia has a legitimate claim on Ukrainian territory. It matters not one little bit that Crimea used to be part of Russia. One state ought not to seek to annex the territory of another.

But the idea that the future of Northern Ireland would be decided by means of a referendum was put to Northern Irish voters in a referendum and the majority chose to accept the Belfast Agreement. Irish voters agreed.

For a similar situation to obtain in Scotland therefore it would be necessary to have a referendum on the conditions needed to obtain an independence referendum and for it to succeed both in Scotland and in the other parts of the UK.

But the very act of doing so would itself undermine the sovereignty of the UK just as it has already been undermined by setting out the conditions for secession in Northern Ireland.

In Europe no part of any nation state has the right to leave by means of a referendum. It matters not one little bit whether that part was once itself an independent country. In every European state there are parts that at one point were independent countries. None of them have the right to leave. No one thinks that this is undemocratic.

The UK is gradually moving towards the same position. The Supreme Court decision after Nicola Sturgeon asked for the Scottish Parliament to be given the right to vote for a referendum is clear. Scotland is not a colony. Rather despite being called a country it is constitutionally a region of a unitary state called the UK in exactly the same way that Normandy and Burgundy are regions of a unitary state called France. If they don’t have the right to vote to leave France, then neither does Scotland. The legal position in international law is identical.

The UK has traditionally allowed a loose way of talking that treats its parts as separate countries, but we have discovered that it is just this that fuels nationalism. The danger of setting out the conditions for this nationalism to succeed is that it both undermines the correct view of the UK that it is unitary nation state and fuels nationalism by giving it a goal that it can work towards.

The idea that this would somehow make the constitutional issue in Scotland go away is preposterous. Having decisively defeated the SNP the one thing that might revive it is to give it victory conditions.

Secession was defeated in the USA not merely by force of arms but intellectually and legally by making clear in a way that was unclear before 1860 that states’ rights did not include the right to secede. After the Civil War the United States became “one Nation under God, indivisible” and precisely for this reason never again faced the threat of secession or civil war. Setting out the conditions for state secession in 1865 after defeating secession would merely have provided necromancy for the dead corpse of the Confederacy.

It is precisely this that certain voices want to do now in order revive the dead corpse of the SNP.

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