There has been a great deal written this week about
prejudice. One remark that might have been said in private about the skin
colour of a baby is enough to condemn an unnamed member of the Royal family.
But while all prejudices are equal some prejudices are more equal than others.
Some prejudices indeed are not merely acceptable but are expressed by all right-thinking
A Green Party Peer Baroness Jones has suggested that all men should be banned from the streets after 6 PM to make women feel a lot safer. This is in response to Sarah Everard going missing in London and the possibility that she was raped and murdered. The baroness does not know what happened to Sarah Everard. The police have suspect, but he has not been convicted of anything. Would the baroness respond in the same way next time there was a terrorist attack in London?
Whenever there is a terrorist attack, even when it has
certain characteristics, there are people on social media including the usual
politicians who tell us that we must not jump to conclusions about who might
have committed the crime. If later, we discover that that the terrorist was a
Muslim we are continually told that we must not judge the Muslim community by
the actions of this one individual. This of course is correct. Out of the whole
population of Muslims living in Britain only an infinitesimally small
percentage are involved in terrorism. To judge Muslims in general because of
the actions of Muslim terrorists is prejudice.
Imagine if someone suggested that because a Muslim
blew himself up or knifed people in the street while shouting God is great in
Arabic that all Muslims should be locked up so that everyone would feel safer. This
would be considered to be so outrageous that anyone who said it would be immediately
thought of as worse that the most prejudiced bigot. Consider for instance
Donald Trump’s response to terrorism committed by Muslims when he banned people
from certain Muslim countries from travelling to America. It is unlikely that Baroness
Jones thought this tolerant or acceptable. Yet she expresses a prejudice that
is essentially the same, only her prejudice is acceptable.
If I walk through a Muslim area of Britain at night and
later expressed my fear of being blown up by terrorists I would be immediately
condemned. So too if I walked through a black area of London and I expressed a
fear of being mugged at knife point I would be called a racist. Even if the
area was shown to have statically high numbers of crimes committed by black
people, the mere suggestion that I feared a black person committing a crime
would be to show that I was a racist. Why? Because I would be judging the whole
community by the actions of various criminals.
But while it is not socially acceptable to fear either
Muslims or black people, it is considered acceptable indeed virtuous to express
fear of half the population because of the actions of a statistically tiny proportion
of men. But this fear is the equivalent of racism. It is to generalise about
all men because of the behaviour of a tiny number of men and to punish all men
for the actions of criminals. But it is as unreasonable to fear men being
criminals as it is to fear Muslims as being terrorists or black people as
muggers. It is mere bigotry.
People like Baroness Jones and others like Nicola
Sturgeon who have expressed sympathy with stories about women being scared to
walk home at night, are the kind of politician who have been trying to persuade
us that a man can become a woman and that transwomen are women. We can assume
then that if they were walking alone at night, they would not fear a
transwoman. Moreover, they would not fear such a transwoman even if there had
been no gender reassignment surgery. So, women with male anatomy should not be
feared as rapists and murderers. These no doubt would not be kept at home after
6 PM.
What of transmen? Would they be kept at home even
though they lacked the male anatomy with which they could rape women? But transmen
are men. We have been told that there is no distinction between transmen and
men. They are all just men. So by the logic of Baroness Jones we can assume
that men who declare themselves to be transwomen would be allowed out on the
streets even though they may have the tools with which to rape women, but
transmen would have to be locked up with the other men even thought they might
lack these tools.
But there is a problem here. Parties like the Greens
and the SNP think that anyone should be able to self-identify as a woman or a man
without any checks. All they have to do is to declare “I am a woman” and
everyone else has to accept that they are. If I see someone with male anatomy
in the female changing room at the swimming pool and politely ask them to leave,
I may well have committed a hate crime in Scotland for which I could go to
But there is then a remarkably easy way for men to
avoid being kept inside by Baroness Jones. All men would need to do is to
declare themselves en masse to be women. They would not need to change their
clothes, their names or indeed anything about them. They would instantly be
freed. The only people who would remain locked up would be those transmen who
lacked the means to rape anyone.
The expression of fear of all men because of the
actions of rapists is not merely prejudiced against men generally it is especially
prejudicial against transmen who could not rape women if they tried. But this
shows the contradiction in this whole way of thinking. When women fear being raped,
they are not worried about how someone self-identifies, they are worried about
whether someone has male anatomy. But this shows that in judging whether to
fear this person or that person as a rapist, women judge someone else to be a
man not on how he identifies but on what sort of body he has. But if that is
the case and it clearly is for how otherwise are women supposed to fear men at
night other than by judging them by their external appearance, then the concept
of being a man being a matter of self-identification becomes redundant. If
being a man were really a matter of how someone feels or identifies, then women
would have no reason to fear strange men in the street, because they would have
no way of knowing if they were indeed men rather than men identifying as women.
How would you know?
The response to rape and murder of a woman walking
home at night shows not merely that we think that someone is a man for
objective reasons of anatomy, but also that men belong to one of the few
categories about which it is still allowed to be prejudiced. But this is
morally unjust. Men are no more responsible for the actions of rapists than
Muslims are responsible for the actions of terrorists. Anyone who judges the
individual by the group, and this includes fearing him is showing prejudice. To
even suggest locking up half of humanity because of the actions of criminals is
to criminalise people because of who they are and the anatomy with which they
were born. This is as repugnant as hating Muslims because of their religion or
black people because of the colour of their skin.