Scottish nationalists like to think of Britain as a
mini European Union made up of four members and four different peoples. But
their hatred of Britain is blinding them to what is happening, and I think this
is why they are beginning to make a series of misjudgements.
We all have different ideas about how well or how badly
the Government is handling the crisis. Mistakes have been made. A subsequent
Inquiry will find fault and lessons will be learned.
But the same thing that caused Sturgeon to become a
politician and which drove her ever upwards is the tragic flaw that prevents
her achievements being anything other than parochial. Someone should write a
play called Lady MacSturgeon of Irvine. Is this Scottish independence I see
before me? The Halo towards my hand. Come let me clutch thee.
In recent weeks Sturgeon has been performing well. She
is not to my taste, so I rarely watch, but she has been very good indeed at pretending
that she is running an independent Scotland and that she is in charge. She has
done this by being invited to Cobra meetings, listening to what the experts say
and then repeating it on Television. She has done it by pretending that Scottish
wages and Scottish businesses are not being paid from the British Treasury and
that the British Armed forces have not been building Nightingale Hospitals, flying
in PPE from abroad and rescuing people who are dying in Scotland. She has been
clutching an illusion.
If Sturgeon had made different choices, she might
right now have been running things from 10 Downing Street. Instead she pretends
to run things from Bute House. This is indeed tragic.
The illusion of power may please Scottish nationalists
and the fact that Sturgeon is on Television pretending that she is running
things may cause her and her party to be a little more popular than otherwise,
but it doesn’t change the reality.
The reality is that Britain is actually working rather
well compared the European Union.
The devolved parts of Britain are cooperating very
well indeed with the Government. There may be slight differences here and
there. Sturgeon may suggest that we wear MacMasks and MacScarves if we are ever
in a situation where we can’t self-isolate. It’s hard to think of what such a situation
might be, but at least there is a Scottish policy on the issue. She may pretend
that Scotland will go it alone on lockdown, but the truth is that if schools in
England open and it causes no disaster then Nicola will come tumbling after.
Sturgeon doesn’t have her own set of Scottish experts
behind the scenes. She doesn’t have a Scottish Treasury paying the bills. The
fact that she puts a Mac before everything and gives it an Irvine accent doesn’t
change the truth.
While the parts of the European Union are failing to
cooperate with each other the British people are united against a common
invisible enemy. While the German Supreme Court questions whether the European
Central Bank can use German money to bail out Italy, Spain and Greece British
money goes where it is needed without question.
Imagine if Britain really was like the European Union
and the Bank of England refused to pay the wages of Scottish furloughed
workers, but that would never happen because we are all equally British
citizens who live in the same country.
The borders are going up all over Europe. Each country
has its own policy and its own experts. But they lack what we have. While we
will help every part of Britain without limit, the richer members of the
European Union will only grudgingly give to the poorer parts. There is no
common European people and European citizenship is an illusion, because it
doesn’t give you what either British or German citizenship gives you. It doesn’t
make you a compatriot. This is why Germans won’t pay Italian bills. The
European Union is neither European nor a Union. It is an illusion clutched at.
Nicola Sturgeon’s beloved European Union would not
have bailed out Scotland if we had voted for independence in 2014 and the price
of oil which we were relying on to feed us had suddenly for a brief moment in
2020 turned negative.
As her popularity soars, she has become the leader of
a party without a policy. Britain will have debts like we did on VE day in 1945
when this is over. Not least we will have an obligation to each other for the
shared help we received in a shared battle. More importantly we will have
demonstrated how unity of purpose and cooperation in Britain works. This was
the lesson in 1945. It is the same lesson now. Saint Nicola Sturgeon would do
well to learn it and pay less attention to ambition or adulation. Otherwise she
will be left clutching at halos.