If Remainers were bookmakers, they would have been out
of business long ago. Their ability to predict future events ranks with prophets
predicting the end of the world is nigh. Next time you see someone ranting in
the street calling on you to repent your sins because the world is going to end
on October 31st it is important to realise that neither of you can
predict the future. But we have seen this sandwich board wearer before. He told
us that the world was going to end in 2016. The sin of rejecting the great God
Europa would see us cast out. There would be ten plagues and we would wander
aimlessly until a people’s vote brought us back to the promised land of Eu.
The problem with Remainer predictions about anything
is that they are all systematically biased. It is for this reason that they have no predictive validity at all. In Britain we know that weather forecasts
are unreliable because our weather is so changeable. But imagine if the
weather forecasters were systematically pessimistic about the future of British
weather and wanted each summer to be wet and cold. This is the problem with Remainer
predictions. They want the British economy to be dependent on the EU. For this
reason, they predicted in 2016 that a vote to Leave would immediately lead to recession and
job losses. The opposite occurred.
But to predict anything accurately you have to be unbiased.
Pseudoscience wants to confirm all its theories, rejecting any that contradict the
prediction. Meteorology can only be a science if it accepts that its predictions
both in the short term and the long term may be wrong. The bias of the Remainer
makes everything he predicts worthless and no more worthy of attention than the
preacher ranting in the street.
If weather forecasting is an inexact science,
economics isn’t really a science at all. Economists cannot predict what the
stock-market will do tomorrow. They cannot predict recessions nor can they predict
crashes. There are some general economic principles that are useful, but human
behaviour is so complex and adaptable that no one has been able to predict with
accuracy what will happen tomorrow, next week or next year. It is for this
reason above all that planned economies don’t work. Human nature is chaotic for
which reason we suit free markets rather than socialism. To plan our economy means
to attempt to control and regiment human nature. Socialism always makes us less
free because freedom depends on free markets, supply and demand.
I can’t predict what will happen if the UK leaves the
EU on October 31st without a deal. It would be a big change, perhaps
the biggest change in UK politics and economics since 1945. If the EU decides
to continue to try to punish Britain things could be difficult for a while.
France could decide to check every lorry for five hours. British tourists going
to Spain may be told they need to wait in a queue while each page of their
passport is scanned. There are things that Britain cannot control. There
are things we cannot predict. We are all going to have to wait and see.
But as an alternative to all the negativity it is worth pointing out that there are definite advantages to leaving the EU without a
deal. These I think will outweigh any short-term disruption. The reforms Margaret
Thatcher introduced in the 1980s led to short term recession, job losses and
sometimes disorder, but they paved the way for a radical changes in the UK
economy that brought us long term efficiency, greater competitiveness and prosperity. So too completely leaving the EU without a deal will more quickly
bring the benefits of Brexit to Britain.
Brexit is above all about bringing sovereignty back to
the UK. No longer will laws made in Brussels supersede laws made in the UK. We
voted in 2016 to bring back control. We have waited long enough. The EU is the
equivalent of the inefficient working practices of 1970s nationalised industries. The
EU tries to plan and regulate everything rather than allowing the free market
to determine the best way of working and how to trade. The
EU inhibits free trade because it only allows "free trade" between member states on
payment of a fee. When you pay for something in a shop, it obviously isn't free. The EU imposes a common external tariff on trade with non members. Anyone who wants genuine free trade with as much of the world as possible should realise that it is the EU that prevents this. We don't have free trade with the EU, because we pay, and they stop us trading freely with those who don't demand payment. The sooner we get out, the sooner we can get on with
gaining the benefits that real free trade brings with it.
If we leave the EU without a deal, Britain will not have
to pay £38 Billion pounds to the EU. Doubtless Britain owes the EU something
but having paid into the EU for the past 40 years doubtless the EU owes Britain something too. Let’s go to arbitration. Let’s have a
non-EU court determine what each side owes. In this way we might not only save
the £38 Billion we may end up with a profit too.
Leaving the EU without a deal means that the issue of
the border in Ireland ceases to be Britain’s problem. We don’t intend to make any
checks at the border. We will make those few checks that are necessary so as
to inconvenience both British and Irish citizens as little as possible. But the
border between Northern Ireland and Ireland is an international border and it
will become the border between the EU and the non-EU. If the EU insists on controls,
it will be up to the Irish and their EU friends to determine how to do it. Most
likely the EU border will end up between Ireland and the continent.
Ireland has wanted both full access to the UK single market and full access to the EU single market. Brexit demonstrates that this is simply not possible. This will prove a salutary lesson to Scottish nationalists. Independence creates an international border and this has consequences. Sometimes those consequences are not revealed until one hundred years have passed. If Irish trade with the UK is devastated, the simple solution would be for Ireland to leave the EU as well. They won’t do so because the hatred for Britain that they have demonstrated lately runs too deep. Millions of Irish families like mine settled in Britain. Most of us benefited from the move. But the Irish gave Britain little credit for providing us with homes, jobs and a standard of living we could not at that time find in Ireland. Instead British affection for Ireland is most likely to be answered with hostility. So, if things go badly for Ireland after Halloween, whose fault really will it be? This too is a lesson for Scotland. I strongly suspect that the example of Ireland will hold the UK together. Scotland's trade relationship with the UK depends on being a part of the UK. Ireland's example will clarify this very nicely.
Ireland has wanted both full access to the UK single market and full access to the EU single market. Brexit demonstrates that this is simply not possible. This will prove a salutary lesson to Scottish nationalists. Independence creates an international border and this has consequences. Sometimes those consequences are not revealed until one hundred years have passed. If Irish trade with the UK is devastated, the simple solution would be for Ireland to leave the EU as well. They won’t do so because the hatred for Britain that they have demonstrated lately runs too deep. Millions of Irish families like mine settled in Britain. Most of us benefited from the move. But the Irish gave Britain little credit for providing us with homes, jobs and a standard of living we could not at that time find in Ireland. Instead British affection for Ireland is most likely to be answered with hostility. So, if things go badly for Ireland after Halloween, whose fault really will it be? This too is a lesson for Scotland. I strongly suspect that the example of Ireland will hold the UK together. Scotland's trade relationship with the UK depends on being a part of the UK. Ireland's example will clarify this very nicely.
The greatest danger for Brexiteers now is that the EU
concedes ground on the Irish backstop. Better by far to get out completely. The
worst aspect of Theresa May’s deal was the backstop, but the rest of it too
left us controlled by the EU for years and sometimes indefinitely. We have all
seen how the EU operates. They are hostile to Britain and want to punish us. Does anyone fancy two more years subject to EU
laws and regulations with no say in them whatsoever? Does anyone fancy trade
negotiations after we have already handed over our billions and our best cards. No. Theresa May’s
deal was the worst treaty in British history. Let's be done and dump the whole
thing now. If the EU later wants a genuinely reciprocal free trade deal with
nothing else attached and no costs, let it ask for one. Until then we can buy our cars from
the USA and our wine from Australia. There is nothing the EU produces that we can't get elsewhere. Who loses?
There will be surprises after Halloween if we leave
without a deal. We will all have to be ready to work hard to make Brexit a
success. We need to get rid of the pessimism because it becomes a self-fulfilling
prophecy. Our future success is in our own hands. The future is not determined. A no deal Brexit
will be wildly popular in at least half of Britain. It will humiliate Theresa
May and instead of a Labour/SNP pact giving us indyref2, a no deal Brexit will
give Boris Johnson a majority, perhaps even a landslide. If we don’t get a plague of yellowhammers, sometime in
November, the Remainers will once more look ridiculous. After three years of
national humiliation we will be able to tell the EU and Leo Varadkar where to
go. I would stand in a very long queue to be able to do that. Just like Brexit,
it would be worth it.