Since ancient
times there has been a debate between those who believe that “Man is the
measure of all things, of things which are, that they are, and things which are
not, that they are not” and those who believe that there is such a thing as
objective truth outside of human subjectivity. It is a key debate because if
man really is the measure of all things then there can be no question of there
being a God who transcends me, no question of there being moral rules that come
from outside me and ultimately no reality that I don’t choose to judge as
existing. Everything becomes a matter of taste. No-one can show that Beethoven
is objectively better than Beyoncé, which makes music a subject not worth
studying. It is all simply a matter of preference just the same as my disliking
spinach, but you wanting to eat it every day.
It is strange that this debate is still active,
because there has been a word since ancient times for those who believe that
all is relative and that there is no objective truth. They are called sophists.
The argument always collapses into a form of solipsism, whereby the doubting
sophist cannot tell for sure even whether other people exist. If I am the
measure of all truth and if I determine what exists and what does not, then
does it even make sense to say that you have an existence outside of me.
No-one actually could live this way. We
assume in going about our daily lives that there is an objectively existing
world and people in it. We assume that truth is determined by reality, not by
subjective opinion. Yet despite the fact that it contradicts everything we
experience, the sophist’s argument keeps reappearing.
The latest reappearance is the idea that someone’s
being a man or a woman is something that they can determine by themselves
rather than something that is determined by an external, objective and shared reality.
One of the key insights of the twentieth century, that ought to have finally killed off any last strains of sophism, was the idea
that the language that we use is determined by a community of language users
rather than by a subjective individual conversing with himself. How do I learn
words like “girl” and “boy”, “man” and “woman?” When I’m a child someone points
out that this person is a man and that person is a woman. Gradually I learn to
make the distinction. If I make a mistake I’m corrected. The same process goes
for every word I learn and also for the words that turn them into
sentences. Without this process I would be mute. So it cannot be me and me
alone that is the measure of the words that I speak. Without other people
determining the correctness of my vocabulary I would not even be able even to
utter so complex a sentence as “man is the measure of all things” let alone say
it in Greek.
But how do we determine who is a boy and who is a
girl. There is a simple method that has been used since time began. When a baby
is born we look. After that we might ask a parent whether their baby is a boy
or a girl. Subsequently we judge by appearance. This works in nearly all cases.
It is of course possible for a man to pretend to be
a woman and for a woman to pretend to be a man. This occasionally happened in
times of war, when a few women were desperate to take part as soldiers. Some of
them might cut their hair, bind their breasts and wear male clothing. Sometimes
they went for years without being caught. But there was something that could
determine whether they were pretending or not pretending. There was an
objective truth of the matter. Sometimes such a soldier was injured and on the
operating table it became clear that here was a woman not a man. The method of
determining this was much the same as when the person was born.
But what was this soldier feeling. Did the soldier
feel like a woman or like a man? The mistake is to suppose that it matters what
she felt like. This once more is to suppose that “man is the measure of all
things.” When I see a grassy field in springtime I may say that it is green. If
someone else says that it is red, I tell them that they have misunderstood the
word “red”. But what if what they see is different from what I see? It doesn’t
matter. So long as we all use green in the same way, to describe grass and lettuce
and such like, it matters not all what we sense. So long as we each say that a
post box is red it doesn’t matter if you see it as “blue” and I see it as
“yellow.” The usage of the word is not determined by subjectivity, it is
determined by the community of language users who do not have access to each
other’s subjective inner experiences.
But this goes for all words. It is literally
senseless to suppose that there is one word for how I feel, which might differ
from how I am. This is a distinction without difference. To apply the same
distinction across the whole of our language would mean that we couldn’t even
speak to each other. Once this is understood then the debate about girls who
want to be boys and boys who want to be girls, simply collapses. What we are is
determined by the public community of language users, not by private feelings
unavailable to that community.
No person can know what it feels to be like another
person. We can imagine what it would be like to be an Ancient Greek, but we
can’t know how such a person felt. Likewise I might think that I feel like a
man feels, but I have no idea whatsoever how he does feel. How then can I
suppose that I am correct in my judgment that I feel like a man, when I simply
don’t know how he or anyone else actually does feel.
The mistake is to suppose that the use of words like “man” and “woman” has anything to do with how people feel. This is pure sophistry. The meaning of words like “man” and “woman” is determined in exactly the same way as words like “rock”, “drop” and “floor”. Whether or not I drop the rock on the floor is verifiable by the community. To suppose that it is subjective is to suppose that these words have no meaning.
The mistake is to suppose that the use of words like “man” and “woman” has anything to do with how people feel. This is pure sophistry. The meaning of words like “man” and “woman” is determined in exactly the same way as words like “rock”, “drop” and “floor”. Whether or not I drop the rock on the floor is verifiable by the community. To suppose that it is subjective is to suppose that these words have no meaning.
We determine that there are cows in a field by
looking. If we make a mistake and they are really bulls, then this is either because
we don’t understand the word “cow” or because we are not very observant. It
matters not at all what the cow or the bull feels. We have no idea whether this
particular cow has always wanted to be a bull and has felt that it inhabited
the wrong body. Moreover we are uninterested. It is not this that determines
how we use the word “cow.”
Are we to suppose then that in all of the animal
kingdom we can determine these matters objectively, except in the case of human
beings? At what point in our evolution did the ability to choose whether we
were men or women evolve?
I’m afraid the method by which we use the words
“man” and “woman” are exactly the same as the method by which we use the words
“cow” and “bull” each of these words is grounded in a reality that cannot
change. It no more matters that a man thinks he is a woman than that he thinks
he is a bull. The reality is that man is not the measure of these things.
Reality is the measure.
You can, of course, put a man who is pretending to
be a woman into a woman’s prison, but this will have much the same effect as
putting a bull into a field with cows. There is a reason why sometimes it makes
sense to have fields where there are only cows and where bulls are not allowed.
It doesn’t matter one little bit what the bull feels. It doesn’t matter even if
he mistakenly thinks that he is a cow. He is not a cow. You will get a shock if
you try to milk him. No matter what you try, you simply cannot turn a bull into
a cow. It doesn’t matter what you cut off or attempt to add. He won’t give you
any milk or any calves. This inability is not accidental, it is not a matter of
choice, it is something that was determined when we came into existence. I can no more choose what I am than I can
choose whether a stone falls when I drop it.