In the aftermath of an election emotions are high,
levels of spin even higher and judgement barely there at all. Politics in
Britain has become uncertain. This is the third election in a row in which we
have woken up to a surprise and not only one surprise but sometimes a multiple
of surprises. There is a lot of noise. Everyone is trying to manoeuvre.
Contradictory views are leaked to the press. Journalists are briefed behind the
scenes and then when they write up the story, it is denied sometimes profanely.
But no doubt the purpose is achieved by both the story and the denial. The
Prime Minister receives messages of support that are not always sincere and may
well be as dangerous as being called a “Dead woman walking”. In fact the
support may well be far more dangerous because, after all, George Osborne resigned his seat
a few weeks ago and so is as much a figure of the past as David Cameron or
indeed Harold MacMillan. Perhaps it is for this reason that he is being so
nasty, or else maybe it is just because he is nasty. I always imagined poor
George with a waxed moustache about to tie some lady to the railway tracks. He
rather revelled in his nastiness just a touch too much. But for all her faults, the lady he wants to run over with a train actually became leader, won 42% of
the vote and could still achieve what she set out to do, which is rather more
than being editor of the London Evening Standard.
Theresa May has been battered, but it is perfectly
possible that she will be Prime Minister for the next four or five years and
successfully get Britain out of the EU with a good deal. If she does that, she will have won two crucial battles decisively and will be closer to touching greatness than any Prime Minister since
Two years ago the SNP won 56 of the 59 Scottish
seats and 50% of the vote. It was the share of the vote that was most worrying.
I can live with the SNP winning all the seats. So long as either Labour or the
Conservatives win a majority at Westminster it matters little how many seats
the SNP win. You can’t form a Government with 59 seats. But 50% of the
vote turns an independence referendum into a coin toss.
We know how the
SNP play on the emotions of ordinary Scots, how they play the
nationalist/patriotic card and exploit our sense of weakness as the perpetual
victim of the wicked English. With 50% of the vote and another long
independence campaign to look forward to in the next two or three years Nicola
Sturgeon must have thought she was almost there.
For any battle however it is necessary to have a
strategy. The SNP developed theirs and it must have seemed certain to succeed. Sturgeon needed a reason to call for a second independence referendum and then she
needed the support to force it through. The reason as always was a grievance.
England would do something wicked, while Scotland would do something virtuous.
Saint Nicola would then come to rescue Scotland from England’s clutches.
I don’t think anyone really expected the UK to vote
to leave the EU last summer, just as hardly anyone expected Jeremy Corbyn to
win 40% of the vote and nearly become Prime Minister. Perhaps he will do it
yet. But what sort of odds would you have got on this happening two years ago?
Sturgeon though had developed a strategy to take advantage of the unexpected.
She made it clear that she would consider a vote to leave the EU as justifying
a second independence referendum.
Scotland voted to Remain while England and Wales
voted to Leave. I’ll always wonder how many of the SNP supporters who voted
Leave actually wanted to ditch the EU. I’m sure some of them thought that being
a member of the EU was incompatible with true independence. Why give up being
ruled by London only to end up being ruled by Brussels or indeed Berlin? But
I’m sure many Scottish nationalists who voted Leave did so because they thought it would lead to indyref2. This after all was the strategy.
I remember how Sturgeon was all over the television
as we learned that the UK had voted for Brexit. The BBC couldn’t get enough of
her threats. Quite a lot of Scots were angry. Some “Pro UK” people who were
also disappointed Remainers began to express sympathy with the Scottish
nationalists. The Sturgeon strategy looked to be working.
In battle however there are strategies that appear
to be succeeding just as they bring an army more and more deeply into a
position from which it can be defeated. An attack on the centre can seem so
close to breakthrough that it causes a general to ignore his flanks. From these
flanks his position can be enveloped leading to disaster. This is what has just
happened in Scotland.
Do you remember how cocky Sturgeon was? She
demanded, she ranted, she threatened. Soon, soon she would have her
breakthrough and independence was already in sight. But
Theresa May stood firm and then Sturgeon’s position was attacked from both the Left
and from the Right. The wonderful thing is that the Scottish Nationalists are not
even aware of the scale of their defeat. Their leader continues on the same path. She is oblivious, insulated from a changed world none of her subordinates dare tell her about. All the while support for indyref2 goes into free fall, just as Sturgeon arranges supply drops for her troops trapped in the pocket. But the moment
has already have passed. She has suffered a strategic defeat and the defeat
has been because of her own strategy. No amount of self-deception changes the situation. On the contrary it makes it worse.
The key to politics and political understanding is
to grasp the long term, rather than the short term. Corbyn or someone similar
to him may well become Prime Minister in the next few years. But it won’t
matter. We already know that his ideas won’t succeed. The room for manoeuvre
that any Prime Minister has is determined by the fundamental state of the
markets. Mr Corbyn’s plans depend on his ability to borrow at a reasonable
interest rate. So either his plans will have to be modified in order to give
confidence to the bond market, or they will lead to an economic crisis. Socialism
doesn’t work. This is the fundamental. We may have to attempt the experiment again so that the young learn
this lesson, but then we’ll just go back to the usual pattern of Labour
breaking the economy and the Conservatives fixing it.
Likewise in the long run Scottish independence
depends on the UK remaining in the EU. Sturgeon was right that there would be
anger if Scotland didn’t get its way. But this is the anger of a toddler and equally short term. Long term
her independence strategy was holed below the water line by Brexit. Failure to
realise this unfortunately is a defining feature of Scottish politics from all
sides. The leaders of all the Pro UK Scottish parties oppose Brexit, apparently
blissfully unaware that it is precisely the vote to Leave the EU that changed
everything since 2015. What else fundamentally made voters switch from the SNP?
Because of the near unanimous support for Remain
amongst Scottish politicians and journalists, Sturgeon was unable to see the
fundamentals. She kept on attacking straight ahead. Every other day there was a
new threat. The only word she seemed to utter was “independence”. But it was just this that was leading her deeper
and deeper into a position that was vulnerable. She ignored her day job. The
Scottish economy performed worse than the other parts of the UK. Ordinary Scots
could see that health, education and the police were not performing well and
they began to realise it was because the SNP were so obsessed about
independence they had no more time nor energy to devote to the day to day
issues that were their responsibility and which affect all of our lives.
The SNP have had a slogan of “independence in
Europe” since the 1980s. It is a very clever slogan, not least because it involves a contradiction and so embraces opposites. If only Scotland and the
other parts of the former UK were to remain in the EU then it was perfectly
possible to argue that soon enough we might barely notice the difference. After all, If I
travel between Austria and Germany, I hardly even notice the border. They have
the same language, the same money. It really doesn't matter that one is ruled from
Berlin and the other from Vienna. They may as well be Großdeutschland and yet each has "independence", the flag of a sovereign nation state and a seat at the United Nations. Those three things are enough for many Scottish nationalists even if we ended being a federal state in an ever closer European Union.
The EU is the condition for the possibility of
sub-nation nationalism. It guarantees that life would go on more or less the
same, because any citizen of the EU has the same rights whether he lives in Poland or Spain, Scotland or England. This is why Brexit is a game changer. It takes away the guarantee. This is why support for
independence has fallen and why the SNP lost so many seats. Now a vote for Scottish independence would have radical consequences.
Britain's leaving the EU has changed the fundamentals of the independence argument. If Scotland were in the EU’s single Market while the former UK was not, there would be trade barriers between England and Scotland. If Scotland were in
Schengen (a condition for EU membership) while the former UK were not, there
might have to be a hard border between England and Scotland. Sturgeon’s
continual talk of independence started to make this look like a chasm.
The SNP have had to tie themselves in knots coming up with ever more odd ways to square the circle that it makes no sense to be in a different trading bloc (the EU) to your greatest trading partner (the former UK). But it can't be done. It is this above all that has made Scots think twice about going down this path. It just doesn't look that attractive anymore.
Pro UK Remainers like Ruth Davidson have to be
careful then that she doesn’t give Sturgeon a lifeline. The SNP have suffered a
strategic defeat that has long term implications. Strugeon’s ultra-remain
strategy has been defeated. But the SNP are still strong opponents. They may be in a hole, but they can still be pulled out if Ruth Davidson puts her back into it. If we soften Brexit enough, or even make it not happen at all, then we will be back where we started and the UK will be just as much at risk as in 2015.
Always do what your opponent least wants. Nicola
Sturgeon least wants us to completely leave the EU. She least wants a clean
break. If the UK were to remain a part of the EU’s Single Market, then Scottish
independence would once more be on the table. In those circumstances
independence would not involve such a great leap into the unknown.
Leaving the EU completely will involve repatriating
powers from the EU. Some of these will go to Scotland. Leaving will also involve making
trade deals with the EU and also with other countries in the world. These
powers and trade deals will lock Scotland into the UK, for Scottish independence would
then involve giving them up.
We can begin to tell a positive story about a UK unconstrained by the EU’s bureaucracy and with a Parliament free to act as it sees fit. Brussels will no longer
be able to tell us what to do. We will be able to control who can come to our
country and more importantly we will be able to deport anyone who we decide is
a threat. Our Supreme Court will really be supreme rather than subordinate. It
will be like the highest court in the United States. We can create a low tax,
low regulation, free trade island off the coast of the Continent. This will
bring us prosperity. It is time for Conservatives to talk up the possibilities
of Brexit and how it can bring us the wealth that we then will be able to share
with everyone. We can create a country with opportunity, fairness and social care. But unlike Labour we can ground this society in economic reality rather than a doomed attempt to continually spend more than we earn.
It is not accidental that support for the SNP is
falling. At some point in the last year ordinary Scots quietly turned away from supporting independence. This was not in spite of Brexit, but because of it. This meant that more and more people on the Left in Scotland could see that their best chance for left-wing
politics was not to vote for the SNP, but rather to vote for a UK Labour Government. Other Scots could see that
decades of declaring the Tories to be toxic was the foundation for SNP support and indeed support for independence. The solution was to vote for the party the SNP liked least, the Conservatives. The SNP are now in a pincer movement attacked
from Left and Right. It is crucial that we each campaign for our own parties.
Only in this way do we leave the SNP out of the conversation. But above all
else it is crucial that Scots of all political persuasions realise that long
term defeat of the SNP depends on us completely leaving the EU. Any sort of
halfway house just helps Scottish nationalism.
For the moment the SNP are stuck. They can neither
go forward nor can they go back. Sturgeon’s threats are empty and they can be
ignored. There will be no indyref2 any time soon and if we continue to fight
strategically there never will be. Sturgeon thought that with one more push she
would have her breakthrough and be into open country. She could see freedom just across the river. But it was wider than she thought and now
winter will bring with it the frostbite of her hopes.
Rave Nicola, rave about your final victory. Rage,
rage against the dying of your might. Tell your surrounded troops not to surrender. Tell
them to repeat after you that they can still win. They can still hear you on
their radios. They may still believe you even as you begin to feel the first
moments of doubt yourself. But soon there will be just a small band of true believers and a trapped leader still giving orders to a regiment that some time ago disappeared somewhere into the snow.