Politics is not like football, though too many treat
it as if it is. It doesn’t fundamentally matter if Aberdeen win, or more likely, don’t win the league. Likewise it doesn’t matter if the Lib Dems win one seat
or fifty-seven. What matters is not the existence of a political party, but the
things that are achieved by political action. If the political goals of
liberalism could best be achieved by the Lib Dems ceasing to exist, there would
be no reason in and of itself to preserve the Lib Dems. The one party that understands this is the SNP. If the price of achieving independence was that the SNP ceased
to exist, every single SNP supporter would grasp this opportunity with both
There are two types of people involved in politics.
There are party supporters and there are the rest of us. The former strongly
identify with the party, get involved at times of elections, wear rosettes and
think the main political goal is that their party wins or at least wins more
seats. This is to treat politics as if it were football.
A political party winning seats or not winning seats
doesn’t matter at all to me. Party politics is not an end in itself, but a
means to bring about long term goals. I have only one long term goal. That the
UK should be as prosperous, free, united and fair as possible. Of course it’s
only by winning seats that a party can have any chance of bringing about a
goal. But I have, over the years, been willing to lend my vote to various parties
insofar as I thought at that time they would best help my long term goal. I
vote in this way also, because I never want to see one party in power for too
long. This inevitably leads to poor government. Therefore above all I want the electorate to be able to kick out any
government that has been in power too long.
I have had a policy of being reasonably politically neutral
while writing, but that has changed this week. My long term political goal can
at present only be fulfilled by the Conservative party in Scotland. The
reaction of the Labour Party and the Lib Dems after the general election has been
most illuminating. They think that what matter is the number of seats they win.
This does not matter. Because they think what matters is increasing their seats
they are willing to do what is necessary in order to do so. This shows in fact
that it would be better if they did not exist. It is after all a short step
from one to zero.
Some months ago I was involved in a tactical voting
campaign. I urged people to vote for whichever of the Lib Dems, Labour or
Conservatives had the best chance of winning a particular seat. I did not
organise or start this campaign, but was asked to help and did so, because at
the time I did not think it mattered which of these parties won a particular
seat. They all could play a part in my long term political goal. I campaigned in this way because what matters
to me most is the preservation of the UK. The UK is my country. I fight for it
in the same way that an American would fight for the USA.
The tactical voting campaign failed to influence the
result in Scotland. Perhaps even it made a bad situation worse. In a small way
it may have helped influence events in the rest of the UK. The SNP are not in government
in the UK. That was my only goal. It’s largely a matter of indifference to me
now whether the SNP have six seats or fifty six. They are just as impotent.
But this is beside the point. The basis for my
willingness to campaign for tactical voting was that there were people I agreed
with and respected in each of the mainstream UK parties. The difference frankly
between a Labour moderate, a Conservative moderate and many people in the Lib
Dems is frankly trivial and amounts to the colour of their rosette.
So long as each major party supported the UK
wholeheartedly then I could support them. In the past week however both
Scottish Labour and the Scottish Lib Dems have said that they will allow MPs to
support independence. Sorry you just lost my vote. How could I vote for a
candidate who might support independence? How could I vote for a party that
might work with the SNP? The SNP desperately need help from other parties. It makes their cause more mainstream and more legitimate. It’s a very
small step from allowing MPs to support independence to actually supporting it yourself.
Instead of fighting for the UK we have just another group of people who have
meekly surrendered. Does anyone believe either Labour or the Lib Dems would
oppose the SNP on a second referendum? Of course they wouldn’t, that might
upset the people they are trying to attract back to their party. It’s just one
more instance of putting party before country. It is this that I am fighting
against. It is this that I have been fighting against all my life.
I always suspected during the last General Election
campaign, that Labour and the Lib Dems would have made a deal with the SNP if
it brought them to power. The idea that they would allow a Conservative
minority government to rule unopposed was preposterous. The problem is that
everyone in the rest of the UK knows this too. They will vote for anyone to
avoid the fate of the SNP ruling England, so expect the decline of Labour and
the Lib Dems to continue next time too.
Sorry but I take the same line. I'm going to vote for anyone but you also. Being Pro UK is the
only policy to me that matters. It’s not something that I can allow a free vote
on. If you think it’s like being pro or anti tuition fees, then I will see you
as being rather lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, about an issue that it is
fundamental to me and so of course I’ll spew you out, you and your whole party.
We have at the moment three opposition parties in
Scotland each with one seat. It would be better by far that those who are soft
on independence merge with the SNP. If you are on the left and support
independence what reason do you have for not joining the SNP? Is it because you
prefer Red and Orange to Yellow? This isn’t honest. This is to be a fellow
It is no more intrinsically unfair that five million or so people in the South East of England vote Conservative and get a Labour government
than that five million people in Scotland vote Labour and get a Conservative
Government. Each of us has one vote and is equally a citizen of the UK. That is
how everyone more or less used to think in Scotland. But during the 1980s the Left in Scotland couldn’t quite bear that they were not in power and so they
created the idea that unless they won the result was unfair. It is this that at
root is the cause of Scottish nationalism. Once you go down that route then the
logical endpoint is to vote for the SNP, because they have the only solution to
the problem once you accept that it is a problem. The answer of course from the
Pro UK perspective is that it is not a problem, no more here than in the United
States. Parts of any democracy vote differently to the whole. This is not a
fault. It’s a feature.
What is becoming ever clearer is that the Left in
Scotland thinks achieving power is more important than preserving the UK. Hundreds
of thousands of Labour supporters clearly are not that bothered if their goals
are achieved within the UK or without. Breaking up the UK would be a small
price to pay if only we could have higher benefits and an end to austerity. The
trouble is that it’s clear now that Labour and the Lib Dems more or less agree
with them. If they attracted back all their lost voters, how long would it be
before either party came out in favour of independence? They would after all
have to reflect the wishes of their members.
The whole problem in Scotland is that the Left is grotesquely
overrepresented. 88% of seats in the Scottish parliament are held by left wing
parties. There is thus no opposition. The parties on the Left
agree on virtually everything. There was never a fundamental difference between
them apart from on the issue of independence. Now they don’t even particularly
disagree on this.
But it would be far better for those of us who
support the UK to be the opposition to the SNP. The task is to make the
Scottish parliament better reflect the attitudes of Scotland. We are, in fact, not much more left wing than any other part of the UK. But somehow, mainly
because of the 1980s and hatred of Margaret Thatcher and the word 'Tory', we have
got ourselves into the situation where we are effectively a one party state.
Not because everyone votes for the SNP, but because everyone votes for the
The reason the Left is soft on the issue of
independence is that they see the UK as something that should exist at best for
pragmatic reasons. It is for this reason that the campaign was called Better
Together. Nonsense. The UK is our country and should be supported not because
we get a grant from London or we get certain rights that we wouldn’t otherwise
have. No other country would make this argument for why it ought to remain together. Does a Dane in Jutland think he's better together with a Dane from Funen. He wouldn't even understand the question. He's together because he's a Dane. Likewise we're united because we are British. That's it. No more arguments are necessary.
For the moment the Left in Scotland is part of the
problem and not part of the solution. What Scotland needs is a centre right
opposition to counter not only the SNP’s views on independence, but their whole
ideology that every solution to every problem requires government intervention
and public spending. Let those who agree with this solution merge into a single
opposition. At least then we would know what we are fighting against.
If we could have a balanced parliament in Scotland
where something close to 50% of Scots voted for the centre right
while 50% voted for the Left, then we would have taken the biggest
step possible to securing the future of the UK. It is for this reason above all that those UK
supporters who care most about the future of our country should no longer vote
Labour or Lib Dem. Voting for them will not help reduce 88% to 50%, rather it
just adds to the tendency of moving us towards 100%.
Scotland at the moment is struggling economically.
There is a reason for this. Part of the reason is that our prosperity depended
on the price and the existence of a commodity, rather than the success of our
businesses. It’s not accidental that the South East of England is more wealthy
than Scotland. It’s not because they have secret oil fields. Rather it’s
because they support business, free markets and enterprise. The reason
Scotland is poorer is that on the whole we don’t. We prefer to get our money
from Nanny Nicola and she prefers to get it from Nanny Dave. If you look on
wealth creation as something a little slimy, don’t be surprised that you remain
poor. Relying on the state to give you money is a recipe for being too wee, too
poor and too stupid. This applies not only to Scotland it applies to every
single country in the world.
So I’m no longer going to campaign for #SNPout rather
I’m going to campaign for SNP, Labour and Lib Dem out. If you allow independence
supporters into your party you’re all the same to me. If there is room for them, there's no room for me and I hope anyone else who voted No.
I urge all No voters to vote for a party that
actually does support the UK, that is actually willing to kick out anyone who supports
independence. The Conservative party is straddling the centre ground. If you
think that the UK should live within its means. If you think we should try to
make a profit as a country rather than a loss. If you think the economy is doing
reasonably well. But above all if your main long term goal is to keep the UK
intact, then vote Conservative. It's the only party left in Scotland that
shares your goals.
A year ago we won a great victory, but the response
has been pathetic. Can you imagine the SNP allowing MPs to vote against independence?
We are where we are in Scotland because the Left began to side with
nationalism in the 1980s and have been lukewarm about the UK ever since. It
would be better that they had never been born. Time to spit them out.